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General Help
Special announcement for COVID-19
Langkah keselamatan kesihatan Shoppymore express
Buyer's Help
What buyer need to know?
How to check where my order is? What is my order's shipping status?
When and how can I apply for a return refund?
Can I get the refund for my cancelled order?
I have already made my payment through bank transfer, why is my order status still "To Pay"?
I’ve made my purchases. When will I receive my Shoppymore voucher?
Seller's Help
How to start business with Shoppymore?
How to register?
How to sign In?
How to upload KYC?
How to set store setting?
How to recovery password?
Seller Product Management
How to insert product (manual)?
How to insert product (bulk)?
How to update quantity?
How to check incomplete product?
How to export product?
How to import product?
Seller Order Management
How to use Easy Parcel order handling?
How to use MrSpeedy order handling?
How to use Lalamove order handling?
How to use Aramex order handling?
How to use Citylink order handling?
How to use Teleport order handling?
Seller Store Management
How to manage my content (vendor)?
How to manage layout design?
How to manage theme design?
How to use file management?
How to manage banner?
Free Shipping Program
How do I join Shoppymore's free shipping program?
MDR fee % calculation
What is Shoppymore MDR (Merchant Discount Rate) fee?
How does MDR fee will be charged?
Commission & MDR fee % calculation for SM Mall vendor plan
What is Shoppymore commission fee?
How Commission fee will be charged?
Service & MDR fee % calculation for The Right, The Choice, The ABC, JomGrocery and JomFood vendor plan?
What is Shoppymore service fee?
How service fee will be charged?